Friday, October 10, 2008

Guess who started smiling today?


Jessie said...

what a sweetheart!

the smiles make everything worth it!

Melissa Mae Johnson said...

Oh.My.Goodness. What a cutie! She looks like you, Sara.

Tyson, Amber & Alayna said...

She is so beautiful! I hope I get to see you guys when you come out. I asked your mom for your blog address. I hope you don't mind if I add you to my list of blog buddies on my blog -
cousin Amber

natalie palmer said...

sara! i've been thinking about you and your little one wondering how everything is going!
she is a doll! and i love her name. give me your digits and i'll call you!

Sharielle said...

Sara, I am so glad you found me! Your baby is sooooo beautiful! It is so fun that are kids are close in age. I hope all is going well with you. I live in Charlotte, NC. I don't think that is all that far from you (but I could be wrong). Maybe one day we can meet half way or something :). I am glad we can now keep in touch!

natalie palmer said...

i just looked at the cute smiling pic of lucy again. and i can't help but say it - her cute little smile SO reminds me of that face of yours... the one that brings happiness to my soul...

Heather Tullis Photography said...

I can't believe how frecking cute she is. I miss you and want to see you and Lucy.

Shaun and Maren said...

Oh. I love her!!! When are you coming to Utah next?

Koceja said...

Congrats!! She is gorgeous! It is so nice to know that you are still alive. I hope you are doing well. When you have a sec. e-mail me and tell me what your family has been up to...
It's so good to hear from you!

Tanner's Tales said...

Happy Birthday Sara!